Incorporating water to your daily life!

mizutech water technology
3 min readMay 11, 2021


If the summer month’s progress and temperatures rise, the issues of water intake and dehydration become more prominent. Though we might be more mindful of the value of water during the summer, drinking enough water all year helps you shed weight by avoiding water retention, serving as an appetite suppressant, and enhancing your workouts.

And mild dehydration causes the body to hang on to its water reserves, resulting in bloating. Retaining water is inconvenient, unsightly, and contributes to extra kilo that, let's face it, no one needs! Water weight loss and bloat effects can all be aided by drinking lots of water. Water will also help you shed weight by giving you a sense of fullness that makes you less likely to snack. Thirst is easily mistaken for hunger, but drinking a glass of water before giving in to cravings will help you cut down on the number of calories you eat unconsciously each day.

Staying hydrated lubricates your joints and suffuses your muscles with growth-promoting fluids, which is even more important. Joint lubrication reduces the chance of discomfort and injuries when exercising, allowing you to exercise more often as part of your weight reduction regimen. Furthermore, new research is on the way that suggests a much stronger correlation between water intake and weight loss.

Recent experimental findings have found convincing evidence that drinking water boosts your metabolic rate, or how quickly your body consumes calories. According to a German study, drinking only 17 ounces of water increased metabolic rate by 30% on average in both male and female subjects. According to the researchers, by raising water consumption by 1.5 litres a day, the average person could lose up to 2.26 Kg in a year. Though the consequences are minor and the findings are tentative, it seems that this is yet another way that water will aid weight loss.

It's also necessary to remember the recommended daily amount of water intake in order to enjoy the awesome benefits of water. In a temperate climate, a healthy adult male should drink about 13 cups (3 litres) of water per day, while women should drink about 9 cups (2.2 liters). When you add hot weather or exercising to the mix, you'll need to drink more water. Generally, you should drink 1.5 to 3 cups more water after exercising or during hot, humid conditions.

Summer is a wonderful time to start drinking the recommended amount of water every day, which will help you develop a routine for the rest of the year that will keep you safe and help you lose weight. Have fun with your drinking!

Dehydration has more than mere physical implications. Dehydration has been shown in experiments to increase anxiety and exhaustion in young men.

Water is also beneficial to the teeth in a variety of ways. Natural fluoride is present in drinking water and functions as a cavity fighter. Water, unlike sugary sodas and sports drinks, which can erode your teeth' enamel, naturally flushes bacteria from your mouth.

Trying to drink enough water during the day, on the other hand, can be tough. You'll hit your normal intake and be on the way to a healthy 2021 if you use the following simple tips and tricks:

  • Set a reminder – Use your phone to set an hourly reminder to drink more water. Sticky notes, if you're more traditional, are still a good option. All you may need is a quick reminder!
  • Consider buying a water bottle – Access to fresh drinking water or drinking fountains is not always easy. Bring a water bottle with you to prevent this dilemma.
  • Spice things up – If you're having trouble drinking water because it's bland, try adding some flavour! For a fruit-infused cocktail, squeeze in a lemon or lime, or try one of these other suggestions.
  • Find a partner – Having a partner to hold you accountable to your target is a perfect way to keep yourself motivated.
  • Eat – Certain foods, such as watermelon and celery, contain more than 90% water. Include these ingredients in your daily diet!

For more information about mineral water and mineral water plant installation contact or visit Mizutech.

